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5 Signs Your Baby Is Ready to Start Solid foods

As a mother who has experienced the challenges of starting solids, I understand how overwhelming it can be. It’s important to remember that every baby is unique, and they may not be ready at the exact same time. Trusting your baby’s cues and following their tempo is crucial. In my case, our daughter wasn’t ready at 5 months, but by 6.5 months, she showed clear signs of readiness. It’s important to note that breastfeeding experts generally recommend waiting until your baby is around 6 months old before introducing solid foods. In this article, I’ll share 5 signs that indicate your baby may be ready to embark on their solid food journey, along with some helpful tips.

5 Signs of readiness

1. Increased Head and Neck Control

One of the signs that indicate your baby is ready to start solids is increased head and neck control. Your baby should be able to hold their head up steadily and have good control over their neck muscles. This is important for safe and efficient swallowing of solid foods.

2. Sitting with Support and Good Posture

Another sign of readiness is when your baby can sit upright with support and maintain good posture. Sitting with support allows them to have better control over their body and reduces the risk of choking while eating solid foods.

3. Displaying Curiosity and Interest in Food

When your baby starts showing curiosity and interest in the food you’re eating, it’s a strong indication that they may be ready for solids. They may watch you closely during mealtime, reach out for your food, or show eagerness to explore different textures and flavors.

4. Loss of Tongue Thrust Reflex

The loss of the tongue thrust reflex is an important milestone for starting solids. This reflex, which automatically pushes food out of the mouth, starts to diminish around the age of 4 to 6 months. When your baby shows less tongue thrusting and is able to keep food in their mouth, it indicates their readiness for solid foods.

5. Ability to Pick Up Objects and Bring to Mouth

As your baby develops their fine motor skills, they will start to show the ability to pick up objects and bring them to their mouth. This coordination is a positive sign that they are ready to explore different food textures and self-feed with their fingers or baby-safe utensils.

Take It Slow and Steady

When you do decide to introduce solid foods, it’s recommended to start with a single food item and offer it consistently for three consecutive days. This approach allows you to monitor any possible allergic reactions and helps your baby become accustomed to the new taste and texture. After the three days, you can gradually introduce new foods, one at a time, while continuing to observe their reactions.

Listen to Your Baby’s Feedback

During the starting solids journey, pay attention to your baby’s reactions. They may express preferences or dislikes for certain foods. Listen to their cues and respect their choices. Remember, this is a learning process for both you and your baby.

Take Breaks and Try Again

If you’ve attempted to start solids but your baby shows signs of resistance or isn’t quite ready yet, it’s perfectly okay to take a break and try again a week or two later. Remember, every baby progresses at their own pace, and patience is key.

Follow Your Baby’s Tempo. It’s important to remember that each baby develops at their own pace. Some babies may show these signs earlier, while others may take a little longer. It’s essential to be patient and observant of your baby’s readiness cues.

Starting solids

Starting solids can be a challenging and rewarding experience. By being attentive to your baby’s developmental cues, respecting their individual tempo, and following these tips, you can embark on this exciting journey with confidence. Remember, it’s a process of exploration and discovery for your baby, and with your love and guidance, they’ll gradually become more comfortable with solid foods and develop healthy eating habits.

Please note that I speak from personal experience. For substantiated information, i always recommend that you take a look at the World Health Organization.

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Margaux Luyten


Adventure-loving mom blogger. Breastfeeding from December ’21. Sharing her insight on pregnancy and motherhood while embracing a healthy & active lifestyle. 

Margaux Luyten

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